This work explores interventions in natural landscapes, using reflections as alternate spaces and realities. Emitting a dream like atmosphere, the work references transitory and transportive fairy tales (Alice down the rabbit hole…) and a fascination with photographic interventions of environments.

Each image induces a double take (though some more subtle than others)– initially a seemingly untainted landscape with a view through weeds, a trick of light within the ocean - but upon inspection reveals a gateway; a portal; a wormhole; to an alternate reality.

The work gives the viewer a choice – to focus on the main, the ‘real’, environment captured, or to abandon intuition and follow their gaze down the wormhole.


All places exist within a psychosphere. Whether known or unknown, locations have histories and stories embedded within them. Lane Cove National Park is used to explore places that hold energies. Specific histories unknown; the viewer is able to sense a life within (or from) the forest. We find a silent figure in some images - haunting, hunting. We search through the foliage in others, wary of watchful eyes. Always, the greenery itself is alive. Specific histories known, namely the mysterious deaths by the riverbed of Dr Gilbert Bogle and Mrs Margaret Chandler in 1963, intensify this sense of psychosphere and energy. Instantly clear that both had died of poisoning, it was suspected that the couple were murdered. It was only in 2006 that evidence of an eruption of hydrogen sulphide gas from the polluted riverbed may have occurred, pooling in fatal quantities around the grove. Again, the forest alive.


Strata layers of the modern human experience. Accumulated memories - physical and non-physical. Building layers, forgetting layers. Things upon forgotten things upon forgotten things.


Grooves/ravines/tactile planes/encasement/organic machinery.

In the grooves of my hands, curves of my collarbones, pores of my skin; I see the body as a separate planet. One with ridges and mountains and crevices. Sometimes I believe these are landscapes I've not previously seen. The regular humdrum perception of the body is rewired into a deep appreciation & fascination of the planet machine that carries the self through space and time.

Using medium format film.